In the past week, Republican lawmakers nationwide have faced hostile town halls.
But when private, unidentified security personnel dragged a woman out in Idaho, it raised questions not just about tolerance for dissent but about who gets deputized to do what.
But when private, unidentified security personnel dragged a woman out in Idaho, it raised questions not just about tolerance for dissent but about who gets deputized to do what.
trump has the J6 pardonees, why would the others not want their own private army? Shades of PMC Wagner and other quasi-corporate PMCs in rus
These paramilitaries will transition nicely to policing the network states the broligarchs are planning.
They were acting as private security, not law enforcement, weren't they?
I thought that was why the police made them let Teresa go; they didn't have the authority to detain her.
They have complete authority to kick out anyone they want here. For any reason.
Republicans are also limiting all public town halls.
First rule of an authoritarian party and their king, control the media and kill all dissent.
She was warned, and she continued to interrupt. So, they were well prepared to remove anyone for any reason.
Private forces allowed to "arrest" complainers and protect "patriots"
I wish that were my mother and I were in there. They'd never touch another human!