That must be another thing entirely caused by Biden right? Trump said the economy was Biden’s fault so this must continue off of that premise right?
Come on! Chop chop! MAGAs are waiting to be told what to think about all of their recent economic failures. Get it together Adderall boy!
That must be another thing entirely caused by Biden right? Trump said the economy was Biden’s fault so this must continue off of that premise right?
Come on! Chop chop! MAGAs are waiting to be told what to think about all of their recent economic failures. Get it together Adderall boy!
The rest of the world must stop buying from America - when America has slapped heavy unfair tariffs on them for nonsensical reasons -
Donald Trump and Project 2025 must be seen for the absolute disaster they’re -
Can confirm from my small corner of the world here in England. Takes extra shopping time as I check labels & reject USA products where I can. It will soon be quicker without needing to check. I know many doing the same. 😟
I Heard this from friends in Europe as well. But please don't boycott products from blue States. Don't forget most Americans did not vote for Trump. The biggest lot did not vote at all and the second biggest one was Trump.
🇨🇦 here, we're doing our best so far in retaliation steps 1 and 2 but after April 2nd we'll have to go full steam, we're sorry, it's nothing against non-MAGA citizens. 😐
Most of us non-Americans know we have plenty of American allies in this. If sensible Americans stop calling themselves Americans, then the nutcases will own the brand.
I think it’s fear for the world - we know most people are good, USA included, and want progress in peace, justice, living standards, health, equality, education etc. for all. Sad though that worthless individuals like Trump are given power for all the wrong reasons.
Tesla first of course. But McDonalds, Amazon, KFC, Dunkin’ Donuts, Starbucks and many others might consider to close their stores abroad. It won’t bounce back. We’re done with the arrogance, fascism, shallowness and racism.
Good. Don't feed the fascists. The people are on their own now. The government and police are rogue. Sad for the world and the US but this is karma for the atrocities of the US. The rich won't win, of course, but they will cause a lot of death first.
It’s a real deal! I’m danish and everyone I know is boycotting American goods because this is the only way we can show you Americans how fucked up we think your president is and that we do not accept his fascist global self-serving allied-screwing bully politics! Wake up USA! Please!
I don’t blame the American people. I really don’t. Except those stupid fuckers that chose this facist baby over, yeah, just about anything else! A fuckin donkey would have been better. Hope I don’t insult anyone. But WTF!?
Over here we can’t hear or see the people that tries to counter this. Sry.
2 months ago that was my thought exactly. But now… I’m not so sure anymore!
I’m afraid that the speed and depth of the destruction that is going on simply isn’t compatible with a swift turn around in a few years. It seriously looks as though they don’t expect to be held accountable ever again!
Thank you for doing so. Keep it going. Both monsters, the cabinet, and the republicans all need to see what they are doing. The world defeated nazis before, and we will again.
If you can get your leaders to boycott US natural gas imports, that would hit the the hardest on the people most responsible for putting Trump in office.
Yeah. I know! But the problem is that right now Europe is struggeling to get of Russian gas. It hasn’t worked so far. Only thing that will work is an accelerated green transition to wind & solar. Which would strike BigOil in both 🇷🇺 & 🇺🇸
But for some reason our politicians can’t, or won’t, see that!
They might be. Erasing any data on the whole cult . So when we wake up there will be nothing for evidence to jail him for! He has scape goats every where look at butler!
We are aware, sadly. It is feeling a bit hopeless over here too. The implications that Trump will not follow any part of our laws, meaning he has no peaceful check on his power or actions, are terrifying.
Yeah! We can see that! It is terrifying! You guys are seriously running out of time! You dont have a year before these people have fucked everything up to such a degree that it can’t be undone!
If at least someone would make sure they followed the courts ruling… seems they don’t give a fuck!
Given the damage done, both to agencies themselves as well as our alliances around the world, I literally think this is at least a generation of work to undo.
I know in Denmark EVERYONE are scrambling to ditch not just American goods but also American services. Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft. No one feel like we can trust anything out of the US anymore. The weaponization of Starlink to muzzle Ukraine has changed everything!
Honestly, we don't know what to do. Trump doesn't give a shit what we think.
But it's going to get rough out there. The protests of Tesla are becoming more violent. By the summer, protests will get really ugly.
Yeah. I believe there’s only one way… Hurt the economy. I know that will hurt ordinary people as well and not just big companies and big tech, but I don’t believe there is any other way to get people to wake up and see what is happening! They have to feel it!
If I was Canadian, I wouldn't travel to the U.S. for vacations or conferences. There are kinder, safer, more welcoming, and free places on earth to visit.
If this goes on for years instead of just months, we will become as globally isolated as Russia or Iran. If this is making America great again, I’ll take a fkn pass.
Kudos to them!
Consumers across the world have more guts and willingness to stand up to Trump and fascism than half of America, ten cowardly Democratic senators, and the entire Republican Congress.
Sadly, that's the only way 77 million American voters are going to be forced to confront their own critical lack of judgment. They have to discover for themselves what "America first" and "retribution" mean in hard economic terms in the 21st century. Our reputation will never recover from them.
These are my first thoughts too. But I fear the massive right wing disinformation system will keep Trump voters in the cult by never letting them believe the truth.
Squashing disinformation is a crucial step. Or we’ll be stuck in this hell forever.
Other shoe to drop will be when other countries refuse to sell to us. No TVs, cell phones, refrigerators, bananas, coffee, etc. How is 47 going to spin that?!
This is something that mr trump has cause and he is so stupid he does not realize that this will harm the $$ for his billionaires and guess who will get back at him, yup the billionaires and he will end up out of everything.
👍 I’ve cancelled a good £100 or so per month on rando subscriptions. East win, it’s a good time to cancel the ‘gym’ memberships, those things you plan to use, but never do.
Come on! Chop chop! MAGAs are waiting to be told what to think about all of their recent economic failures. Get it together Adderall boy!
Come on! Chop chop! MAGAs are waiting to be told what to think about all of their recent economic failures. Get it together Adderall boy!
- California
But you also have Gavin Newsom schmoozing with the fascists on his podcast...
Buy Mexican asparagus (ticked that today).
Boycott US wine.
Buy Canadian maple syrup.
Donald Trump and Project 2025 must be seen for the absolute disaster they’re -
Now unite to boycott the Olympics and World Cup. They can be held in other countries, just not in the U. S.
Over here we can’t hear or see the people that tries to counter this. Sry.
I’m afraid that the speed and depth of the destruction that is going on simply isn’t compatible with a swift turn around in a few years. It seriously looks as though they don’t expect to be held accountable ever again!
Translate take for ever to tell ya.
Oh the he'll with it maybe I'll learn a new language :)
But for some reason our politicians can’t, or won’t, see that!
We know smart computers changed data by dogs boys !
If at least someone would make sure they followed the courts ruling… seems they don’t give a fuck!
And we not even two months in...
I know in Denmark EVERYONE are scrambling to ditch not just American goods but also American services. Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft. No one feel like we can trust anything out of the US anymore. The weaponization of Starlink to muzzle Ukraine has changed everything!
I am kind of curious/dreading the reception I will get as an American overseas given all of....this
But it's going to get rough out there. The protests of Tesla are becoming more violent. By the summer, protests will get really ugly.
I'm thinking Mark Rober might get a call from Elon Musk👇
8,4 million views in 24h
Love this drawing… it says it all!
Consumers across the world have more guts and willingness to stand up to Trump and fascism than half of America, ten cowardly Democratic senators, and the entire Republican Congress.
Eat that traitor
And we need a general strike here in the USA.
usa first, usa alone.. allies not sharing intel with you either because tulsi will give it to putin.
People pick on satisficing a series of personal criteria - and sustaining that behavior is about familiarity and expectations.
What I want is not immutable.
Squashing disinformation is a crucial step. Or we’ll be stuck in this hell forever.
This is bullshit.
I didn't vote for YamTits and I surely didn't vote for Elon Musk or his little booger factory / Meat Shield.
If our peaceful protests don't work, only one direction to go.
#Ughmerica #Rebellion #CompostTheRich #NextGuyBetterAimMoreCarefully
Vote with your feet/wallet.