I've never read a comic book in my 49 years. Thought about checking one out, but didn't know where to start. I was tweeting about this with a friend who works at a comic store. After some discussion about what I like and don't like, he said "Squirrel Girl! No doubt, that's the one for you."
She hasn't had a comic in a long time (I wanna say her last one was 2015 or so). She was never a "Big Deal", as she was created more or less as a gag character, but she had a BIG moment and certain people remember her fondly. This game will likely increase that list tenfold
Prep for anybody wanting to learn about Unbeatable Squirrel Girl - she had a radio show (see podcast platforms), a comic series (see Marvel unlimited app or good libraries) & Marvel Rising animated specials on D+.
#Marvel should have done a better job promoting the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Radio Show podcast. Truly a masterpiece & a worthy successor to the comicbook.
I just listened to the first episode. Excellent. Great to hear some of my favourite characters again. Nancy was perfect, and Brain Drain deserves his own radio show.
Squirrel Scouts RISE UP!
Same voice in game as in radio special & animation