I’ve been enjoying it. Some characters are really fun and feel intuitive to play (Wolverine, Starlord, Storm, etc), whereas some others seem needlessly complicated yet without any real power benefit for being more complicated (Spider-Man is the first one that jumps out to me on this).
I was a bit skeptical about it when it was announced. But waited to see how it would be when it was around corner. Boy was I surprised with playing a new Marvel game in 2024.
Hope to see how much chaotic it will get in the future. Glad I finally left OW for this.
Cut Wanda's range on her base attack in half and I'll be golden
Not a fan of the aimbot base attack anyway, but it does too much damage to have 20m range
A couple of suggestions: we need a mouse acceleration toggle.
Also, some balancing concerns: hawkeye and iron fist too strong. Hulk and Wolverine are too weak. Mostly just damage and bonus health adjustments there, but hulk's jump could use a small aoe.
Overall super impressed with staff responses.
The counter is to play together lol Iron Fist gets demolished when the team is grouped and Hawkeye gets dived so easily! And I say that as a HawkEye main!
Love tha game but there is room for improvement. Storm seems to be under performing. She was amazing in the beta but she seems slower and with the addition of so Dagger, Hawkeye and Widow no one wants to be in the air.
Magneto needs a buff. The shields are great but he can’t hit for beans. The firing is slow and the strength is lacking. I feel like combined with the shield cooldown sometimes I’m just a sitting duck.
And I’m sure it’s planned but I can’t wait to see more vanguards and strategists. Their rosters get a little repetitive but the characters are awesome.
dps are not as good of a role as strategist and vanguard. they feel weak in terms of ultimates. i say this hesitantly though bc i dont want nerfs to any specific groups. just, buff storm. also hawkeye is cheap…one shots are not compelling gameplay.
Love the game, but please add a Competitive mode that allows both consoles and PCs together. So people can decide to play console only, PC only, OR mixed. It’s not as fun not being able to play with PC friends in Competitive.
Game is very fun but needs an optimization patch! Matches will load but it takes the UI and characters even longer to load in. Games will start before models load in, besides that it's very fun!
Game’s fantastic. Some characters need work and ranked matches need some tlc tho. Iron fist shouldn’t homing attack like sonic, and he may build too much bonus health atm, storms sphere should be a cylinder so flight isn’t detrimental, and people shouldn’t lose points when teammates DC early.
I really enjoy the game but I don’t like how specific the challenges are. I’d like to be able to get challenges done playing as any hero I’d like to play.
Pretty fun, not a fan of having to unlock everything on the page before you can get a skin for battle pass, in game rewards could also be better. Support mains are actually super useful outside of healing. Luna Snow and Mantis are my favs
I love it. I'm such a big fan of the lore surrounding the game. I love the intricacies and details of how the maps react to the players destroying things as well. Overall, I just find this game fun, which is rare for me with multi-player competitive games
Amazing game, I play it VERY casually. Mind i’d play it more if cross progression was a thing. I play on my Steam Deck currently and don’t want to start again on the Xbox or create a new Username. Please add it soon. 🔜
Very fun. However, I've been noticing that there may be mouse acceleration that is unable to be turned off in the settings. One would need to resort to editing the config file and not everybody knows how to do that.
So I would like to humbly request an option to turn it off in the options, please!
We don't need role queue. What we need is more Vanguard/Strategist and duelist team ups. No more duelest + duelist team ups. That system can fix the matches if you really lean into it.
i know many will probably disagree because "just get better" but PLEASE let us do heroic journey and hero proficiency in vs ai. quick match just isnt fun, much less comp, chasing those challenges that can be difficult even in the best of circumstance and vs ai has many people already mission hunting
I'm not someone that really plays the ai modes, I prefer the PvP modes, but I don't see why they shouldn't be available in the PvE modes too, if that's how you wanna play that's fine, full game should still be open to you there
as far as i can tell, the dailies and season wide missions can be done. likely because it's 'too easy' i can guarantee it doesn't track progress on heroic journey achievements (rip storm skin) and i don't think it accrues hero stats or proficiency which is why im hoping they'll modify
Love it! Do wish it was a bit easier to go through the season pass but I find it fun to also go through the challenges and try other heroes. I found that I like Scarlet Witch this way.
I’m personally not a fan of the rank system in Competitive. Starting to get tedious being stuck in low rank constantly. Not much incentive to continue or play the next season.
The games really fun but nothing is as painful as watching your team insta lock 5 dps. I also think wolverine needs a rework possibly into a tank because right now he just doesn’t work at all. Me and my mates are loving this game so please don’t fumble this 🥺
needs role queue desperately. it is frustrating having to play characters i don’t want to play because teammates want to play 4-5 dps characters. but apart from that the game is amazing, i love everything about it
Then by this logic... Others are forced to play characters they don't want to play with in order to find a match
I just think having easier ways for in game voice chat each match is a better alternative so everyone can communicate better, whether a balanced team or a team of glass cannons
This problem really only comes up with oversaturated roles, like DPS. Voice chat can’t fix this, and it never has unless you’re playing with a group of friends. People just want to play the character they want without caring what the team might need. This affects the rest of the team.
This can be resolved by maintaining separate game modes for regular QP and comp matches. Players who prefer casual gameplay can enjoy it without any restrictions, while those who value composition can queue for their preferred role. In the end, it’s a team game. It’s why I have a main for each role.
Great game, but the Scarlet Witch E needs to go, 1) it makes no sense thematically for her and doesnt match the rest of her kit 2) super niche and doesn't really bring much and 3) ppl can easily walk out of it before the animation even finishes and it only really stuns bad players 🫢
I like it. I have a group that's always active on PS5 that helped me get to gold for the Moon Knight skin. I still don't think role queue is necessary. My team switched to triple tank in overtime to secure the win. Maybe role queue for solo competitive players if you have to implement it.
I'm having so much fun so far! ^_^ There's so much variety and I have favs to play in every area! My only complaint (and it's a small one) is that I can't track character progress in Player vs. AI (like I could in OW2) and I really wish the option was available. Otherwise, I'm having a blast!
Lot of ppl ask for role queue. Don't think it should be implemented, especially for normal games.
Ranked is a different story, could make sense there but also increases the queue time dramatically. Look at OW, role queue kinda destroyed it.
Overall a real good game but needs a bit of hero balancing
I've been enjoying it a lot! I like the artwork and design of the characters, and I especially love being able to read their lore and stories in game. To me the connection of the characters with the comics, is my fav design choice.
Gameplay wise it's fun and addicting, I don't really have an opinion on balance... The map designs of the wakanda and spider-verse are my favorites, with the hydra maps being my least fav visually. All in all, it's a great game :)
Love it! Can't wait for more heroes! We need Captain Marvel, Jessica Jones, She-Hulk and so many more, more female vanguards, and Magik badly needs a buff, perhaps Hella too. But, overall look forward to many years of this game! 💜
Right!? And there's so many others they could do outside of what I suggested. Wolfsbane, Agatha, Spider Gwen, Spectrum, Ms. Marvel, I could go on but there's so many!
Fire rate is slow, no healing, low health, low mobility outside here little bird thing. I've never had issues taking her down but when i play her mostly die and she rarely on the winning team. And honestly I'm more concerned about Magik, they could probably just make her a vanguard.
I just completely disagree, she’s a menace at higher ranks when people start learning positioning. She also has an ult that makes her effectively immortal and full heals her.
No character ever has a 100% presence for no reason, she’s absolutely busted.
Pretty good so far currently the only complaints I have that aren't balance would be hit boxes. The amount of time I've died to things that missed in the kill cam is absurd.
I've never played a game of this style before so it's pretty chaotic and I'm not great at it but I'm learning. It's pretty fun and I'm enjoying it, though. Just need to find more time to play as work has been a bit nuts the last few weeks with the holidays. My go-to mains are Cloak & Dagger.
I waited for this game to come out after playing the beta and uninstalled Overwatch day 1 of release. To say I’m happy is an understatement. I don’t have to play Overwatch anymore and we have devs that listen. Netease making moves again 🔥🔥🔥🔥
It's the game we've been waiting for. It really fills that niche that feels... underwhelming in the market. I'm glad it's blown up as big as it has because it's one of those games that is needed.
very fun game but imo needs role queing, and also needs to let cross players play ranked together. i hate that ranked is locked for only those who play on on different systems when playin w friends on other systems.
Hope to see how much chaotic it will get in the future. Glad I finally left OW for this.
PLZ add Shuma-Gorath as playable
Not a fan of the aimbot base attack anyway, but it does too much damage to have 20m range
Also, some balancing concerns: hawkeye and iron fist too strong. Hulk and Wolverine are too weak. Mostly just damage and bonus health adjustments there, but hulk's jump could use a small aoe.
Overall super impressed with staff responses.
Smile you sunvabitch!
But seriously! Gulp…jump off the map?? Cheesy
I wish when the match ended I could just press Esc and have a leave option, instead of waiting for everything. Sometimes you just want out.
Then people would choose supports even less.
That said? I'm in love with this game! I've even dedicated my Mondays and Wednesdays to streaming it on Twitch for charity!
Speaking of which...!
I wish Wolvies snatched was a little more consistent. It's a bit clunky even at the proper ranges.
I'm having a blast playing
Cloak and Dagger may be one of the best character designs in any hero shooter. So much depth. In love with them, and they're accessible!
On the last 50 maps I got :
11 Shin Sibuya
8 Spider-Islands
7 Hall of Djalia
6 Birnin T'challa
5 Yggdrasill path
5 Klyntar
5 Hydra
3 Royal Palace
I haven't play on the Hydra base in two days now...
So I would like to humbly request an option to turn it off in the options, please!
I’m personally not a fan of the rank system in Competitive. Starting to get tedious being stuck in low rank constantly. Not much incentive to continue or play the next season.
Dun dun dun dun dun dun :D
I just think having easier ways for in game voice chat each match is a better alternative so everyone can communicate better, whether a balanced team or a team of glass cannons
Magneto shields should last a little longer
Map rotation needs some work, I can’t even remember the last time I played on the hydra levels.
Also, add Multiple Man as a Vanguard. He could absorb damage and his Ult unleash a bunch of clones that fight and distract all enemies within an AoE.
Ranked is a different story, could make sense there but also increases the queue time dramatically. Look at OW, role queue kinda destroyed it.
Overall a real good game but needs a bit of hero balancing
Teams are locked into a dichotomy, then switch after each round?
That way people can still switch off of vanguard etc if they’re not doing well.
No character ever has a 100% presence for no reason, she’s absolutely busted.
Also make Peni’s web healing and speed boost affect the party 🤭
That being said, give Iron Man a resource meter for Unibeam
Having fun speculating on how different Marvel characters that aren't in the game yet would work.
Kind of hoping for maybe Bishop, Toad or the Blob at some point.
My shirt list goes…
Moongirl And DD
Spdergwen (symbiote suit)
Ms. Marvel
Iron heart
Gwen Poole