I think Paul Heyman should come back to Roman, And in a twist Rikishi pops out of nowhere and takes sides with his baby boy Sikoa!! The disbelief on the Usos face would be priceless and it would make for a new and separate storyline. Rikishi Sikoa Jacob vs Usos = LEGENDARY
It would make sense if it happened when Roman and Usos were heels…. Cause Rikishi dripped with dark sunglasses a leather coat and jeans would be sick. Let’s be honest we all wanna see a Heel Rikishi. That I believe he can sell for sure!!
No, it should be Armando…. Alejandro…. Esssss-trada! You need someone good on the mic to go head to head with Paul and Rikishi is not it. Also Armando just recently signed a legends deal so he’s available.
Dunno but if the bad bloodline (starting to feel a bit NWO factions now...eek) needs their own wiseman to counter the inevitable return of Heyman I hope they'll find the money to bring Cornette back for one last run. He has the pedigree - managed Umaga briefly, Samoan Swat Team and Yokozuna forever.
On a recent podcast him and Last were theorising he would just drive wherever over a couple of days with stopovers. Brian's been trying to push it subtly, if the money and story were right it's starting to sound like he'd consider one last run. (Most could be done remotely of course).