HIV was a novel virus that changed people’s perception of sexual risk. Public health campaigns revolutionized the role of condoms in sexual health.
Covid is ALSO a novel virus - why are there no public health campaigns helping people assess risk?
A 🧵 on novel viruses & risk /1
Covid is ALSO a novel virus - why are there no public health campaigns helping people assess risk?
A 🧵 on novel viruses & risk /1
The point of this thread is to compare public health & government responses of novel viruses as well as the role of condoms & masks. It’s not to compare viruses
STIs had existed for decades but were almost all treatable & non lethal so people accepted the risk and had unprotected sex.
Condoms were generally only used for pregnancy prevention. /3
An intense “othering” of individuals that allowed the majority to see themselves as “safe & unaffected”. /4
In both cases the narrative has been that as long as you’re not a member of those marginalized groups - the virus isn’t a threat to you. /5
They fought not only for medical care but to force the government & public to see them as equal & worthy of that care /7
I see faster response now, btw. More HEPA/UVC showing up in unexpected places.
We had flu, RSV, etc. for years. But SARS2 tipped the situation: more testing options, more clean air projects.
Love the name by the way!