This proves what is being said. Why are 150 year olds getting SS benefits? Because there is fraud which MUST be found and eliminated. There are about 16 million individuals over the age of 110 receiving S.S. benefits. This is a problem. This is fraud which must be prosecuted.
Your are a sheep. You follow blindly and then accuse anyone who says: “Hey, maybe there is an issue which needs addressing”, of being stupid and not educated enough to comprehend what they are seeing. Leftists look down their noses at any who don’t wear their blinders as stupid rubes. You’re sick
Why in the hell do I need to explain a damned thing to a leftist? You are so sucked into the cult of liberalism you would never agree with anything that goes against your world view.I was a liberal for 30 years and obama is what woke me up. The biggest stain on our country. Convince me otherwise.