Exactly. And everything that came after-- X-files, Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Madmen, etc etc-- can trace a straight line back to Peaks. When you think back to how boilerplate, vapid and DUMB network dramas were in the 1980s, it's astounding ABC gave it a green light, even as a mid-season replacement.
As much as I tried I probably just can’t isolate the standards of the past decade or so (Breaking Bad, et al) to fully appreciate it for what it was. And binge watching definitely dilutes its impact.
Very true. The week to week anticipation and what the hell is happening here was a big part of the impact. There's no way to recapture that. It was a pop culture phenomenon that was "of its time."
Tried to put myself in a 1990’s frame of mind so I could appreciate its novelty. But even back then I think much of the acting and plot would seem like soap opera dreck to me. Made it to a few season 2 episodes and found none of the characters sympathetic and many just irritating. So bailed.
I thought Season 1 was utterly fantastic. Season 2 irked the shit out of me, as it did most viewers. Ratings plunged & Peaks was axed. An unprecedented rise & fall. I haven't watched it since, so I'm looking forward to revisited it & seeing if I was wrong about season 2 .