Now more than ever is a great time to be reminded of the powerful work of Margaret Morgan Lawrence (1914-2019) & honor her extraordinary legacy.
Decades before "social determinants of health" was coined, she spoke of "nature, nurture and noxia"
Decades before "social determinants of health" was coined, she spoke of "nature, nurture and noxia"
From early on, she wanted to be a doctor...
In 1932, she was the only Black undergrad at Cornell, & wasn't allowed to live in the dormitories. She lived in a white family's attic & worked as a maid, serving meals to faculty members between lectures....
She got into med school at what is now Columbia Uni. Rejected from pediatric internship because of race & marriage, she joined Harlem Hospital...
Back in New York a few years later, she became a pediatrician & psychiatrist. Here she is in 1949....
The discrimination continued, too...