It is certainly a wonderful thing to be able to block them en masse with one click. I’ve been blessedly deranger free ever since I subscribed to it. So kind of you to make it❤️
I see no distinction between them and the other sites that spread the disinfo. Spraying fragrance on manure doesn’t make the spreading of it any less egregious. However, as quite a few supporters follow them and the list is shared, I’ll remove them from it and block them from my account only.
I have them blocked on twitter. They pass around disinformation, pretending to be debunking it. Anyway, I don't argue with anyone wanting to follow them. I just will not.
Looking through recent posts: nothing on M’s investment or dinner with Mina but loads of tabloid crap. Why wld you scrape NewsNation for stories? So on reflection, I’m putting them back on the list and any #Sussexsquad who wants to follow them can unsubscribe to the block list. Enough with the BS.
They depend on H&M negative stories for clicks, just like the Fail.