Drink Red Bull as they go off gor lunch. Set alarm for just before end of lunch interval. Snooze. The alarm wakes you up just as the caffeine hit kicks in.
Midnight at lunch gives it such a clean time to switch off. Any earlier I'd be tempted to stay up through it, any later you're not seeing much cricket!
Nah it’s too tempting. A midnight start and I’m already in bed so can record/catch up the next day. India etc is an early alarm and dozing through the first session.
Hell yes. Day one I started watching at the first over. Day two I started watching at 4 AM. I can't remember day three and there is no intimidate denouement for day four, so fuck those guys.
Tried them the other night but it wasn’t very relaxing to drift off to; they played a silly song when a boundary occurred. The beauty of TMS through BBC Sounds is being able to set it to turn off after a few hours.
Just can’t be faffed with dealing with another telly channel; if it’s not on TMS or Sky Cricket, I’ll just sit in the corner and harrumph in mild annoyance 😂
10pm you’re getting into and telling yourself 5 more overs - I did an all nighters watching Prior and Monty save the test match.
Loved it
Why am I knackered?
Antipodean cricket
Every night this week.