Ah, so I've been made into an example now. Wonderful. And to think I thought all the good I have worked tirelessly to put out in the world means so little. I am well aware my mistake is unforgivable but to see it said outside of my own thoughts is jarring to say the least.
Is there anything I can do to help you? Perhaps have a word with this...friend of yours?
You aren't allowed in the blanket fort, but perhaps we can all watch a movie in the living room?
But thank you for your kindness, Krile. I hope to become the person you believe I am someday.
Would you like to come by the shop tomorrow? I've been meaning to give you and Alisaie new gifts, and just haven't found the time...
But thank you for trying to help.
Perhaps I will meet you tonight in the blanket fort? We can bake cookies and watch a movie, if you wanted.
We’ve all made mistakes in the past, but you’ve more than made up for yours. I mean, you’ve saved our arses more times than I can count.