met in the shops the other day. You know mother, it would have been unwise on a few fronts to interrupt her!" His tone is light, but clearly being forced that way. "It is good to see you, my friend, after so long apart!"
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Tataru's shop has been recently reorganized, both front and back rooms, to make room for a new loom she's been working at all morning...mostly. When the twins arrive, she's pacing back and forth and muttering to herself about thread color for an embroidery project - she brightens immediately +
when she sees them. "Alphinaud, Alisaie! Oh, you're here just in time - quick, before we go off to lunch, help me decide what color this embroidery should be."
The coat she gestures to is dark blue, and nearly-finished, hanging on a nearby rack. "It's for Lelesu," she explains. +
Alisaie leans over the shop counter and examines the coat with a bright smile. "Oh, Tataru, it's lovely!" she chirps, then taps her chin thoughtfully, "Hm... I would think silver, but then again, gold might offset the cool tone nicely..." She glances back to Alphinaud, nudging him with her elbow. +
"What do you think, Alphie? You tend to have a better eye for aesthetics than I do." She opens her mouth, presumably to add a comment about finding his fashion taste too stuffy, but shuts it instead and clears her throat. She turns back to Tataru and smiles again. +
"I can't wait to see what else you've come up with! I just took Alphinaud shopping for a new wardrobe, but we couldn't seem to find anything suitable. You always know exactly what everyone should be wearing, though."
Alphinaud perks up a bit, tilting his head. "Silver befits our dear friend better, I think." He says, looking the coat up and down. "'Tis lovely work, Tataru, but that has come to be expected! Lelesu will absolutely love it, I only wish I could be there to see her face when she is presented +
with it!" He looks at Tataru with a small, genuine smile. "And I *quite* look foreward to seeing what you've in store for Alisaie and I. But first! Lunch."
The coat she gestures to is dark blue, and nearly-finished, hanging on a nearby rack. "It's for Lelesu," she explains. +