I got €31.50 this month for cycling to work, when I lived further away from the office it was about €50 per month – enough that a decent bike pays for itself, and its own repairs/parts, in a few years
Absolutely fantastic system
Absolutely fantastic system
Reposted from
Brent Toderian
Commuting by bicycle in Belgium pays off as employees earn compensation for every km they ride. 1 in 6 employees commute by bike and get a bicycle allowance of €0.28/km. People cycling to work in 2024 earned an average of around €460 net per year (some as high as €810), up 20% over the past year.
insane and going backwards.
So if you drive you'd just declare that
some people have to fill in a form every month, some people have it calculated by their HR
you have the choice between taking the bike money or having your monthly public transport ticket paid for. basically everyone actually uses a mix of both though
90% of the days it's raining you can get away with that
on the tiny number of really awful days you just have to take public transport
Combined with rain trousers it works for everything but rain so heavy that the actual cycling itself becomes dangerous
Wont work in the USA because you can’t hold a coffee and use your cell phone while pedaling.. safely😉
Then there’s a needed shower, change of clothes..not to mention the weather..