I'm not even crazy for eevee but it's kind of heinous that they've held out on showing off a new one for so long. The mere design potentials left on the table alone are nuts.
actually they’re a bunch of pussies who think there’s no design potential left bc people did fanart of all the possible designs for them in the entire world or something. saw it in the leaks. lame lol
I think they won’t release one unless they perceive the brand to be in trouble bc it’d be the biggest cash cow ever… I’d say since sylveon was released in gen 6 there’s a chance for a new one in ZA to match but I just don’t think they will. They’re making too much tcg money lol
eevee is different than pikachu in that pikachus purpose is to just be pikachu. Eevee purpose is to evolve (it’s IN THE NAME despite the series having reluctance to let pokemon evolve in things outside of the game) so yeah that’s my little onion
so who knows what we'll see on the 27th?