some of my interests for the algorithm!!
- vocaloid
- pjsk
- alien stage
- needy streamer overload
- sanrio
- milgram
- wonderend 0
- phantom siita
- zeno remake
- marutoku games
- witchs heart
- yttd
- hololive / holostars
#promo #promotwt i fb!! lets be moots pls ヾ(^-^)ノ
- vocaloid
- pjsk
- alien stage
- needy streamer overload
- sanrio
- milgram
- wonderend 0
- phantom siita
- zeno remake
- marutoku games
- witchs heart
- yttd
- hololive / holostars
#promo #promotwt i fb!! lets be moots pls ヾ(^-^)ノ