In a Queensland sanctuary, a sign states "don't spit on crocodiles.
Apparently, they suffer the same respiratory illnesses we do.
So it's hardly surprising that some w@nker would feed them magic mushies
Kudos to the guy that offered hash brownies to the young jehovahs’ witnesses with a cup of tea a few years ago. They were found giggling in the local park 😂
I would have never thought of feeding magic mushrooms to alligators, but now... 🤫
Apparently, they suffer the same respiratory illnesses we do.
So it's hardly surprising that some w@nker would feed them magic mushies
My mate has shit tonnes growing in her yard on a private property.
Most days she doesn't make sense
Not all heroes wear capes 🫡
Google ‘Florida man’ and your date of birth, or today’s date, any date for that matter, and the cray just delivers