Like... And if you have it, the Bookmark Report (some one made it so when you report a post to the BookMark label it goes to a bookmark feed, private and easy)
thats why i just announce im a freak right on the outset so nobody gets to judge me for being a freak in my own damn house and home lmao. you come here, you get porn, just how it is
Literally this. I'd like to think of myself as an art promoter and want more people appreciating the quality work the artists I follow do. That's literally the reason they're uploading their stuff publicly.
It’s not unreasonable to ask for more. But I just feel I’m respecting people’s boundaries in terms of the difference between some tiddy and a 4-panel ahegao spread covered in every possible fluid in black and white.
If I make an nsfw to retweet to no one, that’s just pointless.
One thing about leaving Twitter was I joined it at a time where I was naive enough to add friends and family. It made boosting nsfw art really difficult without making things awkward. I've learned my lesson since then.
People who do this need to just make two accounts and show support for the artist, the nsfw art community is a community not a sexual consumption content machine.
I feel like it's 50/50. Ok 70/30 if I'm being cynical. 70% just use it as a source & the other 30% don't want to blast their followers with TnA, etc.. but yeah, the alt account side def has some nuance as well, but that's another matter. Ultimately, I agree that all art deserves support and praise.
I feel like alt accounts have become essentially redundant on this platform with how well you can curate and filter content. It's not a perfect system *yet*, but it works well enough where if people are seeing stuff they don't want, it's completely on them.
A ton of artists don't tag their art themselves, and the bsky auto-tagger misses a lot. I think putting porn on the feeds of my followers who may not want to see porn is rude :V
I pretty much repost everything that I like, even if it clogs my page up but I don't care, I just want to share the art I like with more people, especially since I don't really have anything to post myself.
Also the teapot joke's killing me X)
Didnt think commenting and resposting made that much of a difference on here. 🤔
If I make an nsfw to retweet to no one, that’s just pointless.
I absolutely do RT NSFW that's tagged tho