But many have been ...100s I'm sure
It just seems a weird thing to get hooked up on to me
Leaving the EU is a reality now ...we must do what works for the UK
You or I may or may not like it but it's a reality
Making laws for a single country should be easier than for 27 for instance
It just seems a weird thing to get hooked up on to me
Leaving the EU is a reality now ...we must do what works for the UK
You or I may or may not like it but it's a reality
Making laws for a single country should be easier than for 27 for instance
The UK is moving faster (and frankly better) than the EU in areas I'm sure you can agree
I'm a Labour Party member of over 20 years my friend
If that's really all you have then you have nothing
I'm only interested in adult debate not childish strops
That's the worst idea I've ever heard mate
I can see why someone wants to join the SM or EU but there is very little benefit to joining the CU ...and a massive downside
Need something better than that I'm afraid
OK...where's your political mandate for that?
When have the electorate said that's what they want?
And when does the EU get a say on whether they want that or not?
The floor is yours ...impress me
If it's sector specific and serves a purpose that is irrefutable for the country as a whole then I'm sure it will be done
Time we stopped whinging like children in Brussels and started kissing their ass in Westminster
If you want to behave like a child then please just run along
Thanks 👍