The base sword seems to have a higher skill cap than other weapons (higher damage, low battery), removing the cost requirements for ranking fights made me less incentivized to do side jobs, the 51 ranked assassins claim is very quickly dropped and made apparent that it’s gonna be similar to NMH1…
Also, your katana doesn’t drain battery from normal attacks, just from blocking/charge attacks, which might make things less tedious, but it also significantly reduces the importance of your weapon’s battery.
At least on my first playthrough on Mild/normal, there was less of a back-and-forth/call-and-response feeling with the bosses. I loved the fight with Bad Girl because it was all about recognizing her attacks and knowing how to punish them without getting hit. NMH2 didn’t have many fights like that.
Even thematically, the bosses felt sorta “whatever” compared to the prequel. About 50% of the assassins are lumped together into a clunky mech fight that (more than the usual fights) you Have to wait for them to act first since your buttons are so committal and not very rewarding.
The sniper fight against Moonlight was -the- scene I remember seeing ages ago from a YouTube video, and… her long-range presence was low, and I just beat her with punches/kicks since her close-range attacks were near identical in timing so I could mindlessly roll at the same timing to nullify it.
NMH2 also sorta Just Ended it felt like. There wasn’t as much tension or impact in the final scene(s). You beat Mr. Butt Jr, then… credits sequence. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also no allowance for postgame in 2, you just get tossed into NG+ after the final boss.