Today, I find myself in a creative slump.
DMs & worldbuilders, how do you find inspiration when naming the peoples & cultures of your worlds? How do you push past indecisiveness & confidently lock something in without second-guessing?
#TTRPG #Worldbuilding
DMs & worldbuilders, how do you find inspiration when naming the peoples & cultures of your worlds? How do you push past indecisiveness & confidently lock something in without second-guessing?
#TTRPG #Worldbuilding
The storytellers thesaurus and dictionary. Not for picking, but for perusing and stirring the brain soup.
And sometimes a couple "Fuck it" whiskys to give the imposter syndrome a thorough beating before stuffing it back in its cell
Yes, imposter syndrome is a mutual friend.
Then, later, you can go back [1]
The first is the "I've had to improve because the players are curious bout a random detail" that I look to either have a plot point be created or further through this npc or give the players a change of emotion. Have they had hardship? Give them a sweet npc.. 1/