I am ever-thankful for my tankwater-only system. I'm in charge of it: nobody else uses it. I am careful with it in summer, as I only have 12K litres, but it's all mine.
My tanks are under the house, so they don’t “cook”’in the sun which makes a huge difference I think. Last time cleaned all they had in there was black sand! I live abt 300m from Piha beach. Have good filters and v little vegetation drops on the roof.
The neighbour has a tall cryptomeria hedge on our boundary close to our roof. So we're stuck with cleaning.
I dose ours to correct pH as rainwater is v acidic. Use to get blue staining on the shower lining.
Thanks for explaining why my bath is green n brown !! I put mozzie netting wrapped around chicken wire 'fences' in the gutters and have double knee hi pantyhose to catch other fine debris taped on inlet pipe, after 20yrs could still see the bottom of my tank so never emptied it, annual swap etc
1c Soda ash in 5l hot water. Stir until dissolved in a plastic container with a lid. I pour half of that into a 25000litre tank to raise the pH after 3 months and 100mm rain. Can double check pH with litmus paper.
Similar here, I go from normal to double flush to bucketing water [I do have a bore full of iron ore contaminated stuff, just ideal to send back to the land again] and in over 30yrs have never run out yet, but know that its not easy peasy
This is indicative of what is to come with the Regulatory Standards Bill. Corporate and private property interests will always come before community interests. Profit before people
Yup even in a drought they'd be able to sue local government if water restrictions were put in place because it would interfer with their right to do business.
Seems that what little tax revenue we had would be used to pay these corporations.... literally bankrupt the country or force government into selling/giving away more mineral rights etc
The question isn’t why are businesses exploiting our resources, it’s why is it legal. Same as the silver fern farm waste pipe, we need protections from business exploitation with better regulation, not less regulation!
I dose ours to correct pH as rainwater is v acidic. Use to get blue staining on the shower lining.
The corps would crush us all, and feel righteous in doing so.
Pretty vicious curcle