I haven't read this one yet, but I just recently started reading The Final Girls Support Group by the same author, and I'm having some trouble connecting with the characters and plot.
That one is also on my TBR. You’ll have to come back and let me know your thoughts after you finish it. I wonder if maybe his writing style just isn’t my vibe.
I wondered if his vibe was my issue as well or it's just not what I'm craving. I just finished reading the Stage 3 series by Ken Stark, which is about the zombie apocalypse. I loved it.
If I can't get into TFGSG in the next chapter or so, I might put it down and try it again later.
My SFF book club had mixed reviews. I felt like Hendrix was trying to unsuccessfully shoehorn a horror novel into a contemporary fiction novel about intergenerational trauma. I don’t think he’s a bad writer. I just think he believes he’s way more clever and deep than he actually is.
Maybe if he didn’t use the puppet trope & just did some poltergeist thing I would’ve been more into it. I do want to give him another chance though. I don’t think I’m going to read his latest book Witchcraft for Wayward Girls, but the premise of The Final Girl Support Group seems interesting.
I know what you mean about it being slow to get going. I can definitely see it not being for everyone. It’s not my favorite Hendrix novel but I had fun with it.
I couldn’t get into this one either. I put it down around fifty pages in. I also wasn’t a fan of The Final Girls Support Group, though I did finish that one. I’ve realized Hendrix isn’t for me.
If I can't get into TFGSG in the next chapter or so, I might put it down and try it again later.