Have you played Tactics? It is by far my favorite FF game period. Advanced and Advanced 2 are also amazing! Only gripe I have with Advanced is that the MC looked a little too similar to Ramza.
Its a fun journey, I just did it too for the main games, maybe not finish all of it (9, 10 & 12), or haven't played (13, 16, 13 won't work on my PC for some reason) but it was fun. Type Zero and Stranger of Paradise were good spinoffs too
I haven't gotten to WoF yet but thinking about it! I take its fun? Working on Crisis core, and when I get a new computer I am really hoping to play through all of 13 fingers crossed haha!
Oh yeah forgot about X-2 ! And 7's Rebirth/Remake played them too, love them!
Oh man 14 and 16 are SO good. 1 is certainly dated but that was one of my first pandemic games so I loved it, haven’t played 5, and 2 is somehow even more dated than 1 buuuut I have been using cheats on the pixel remaster to make it a bit easier 😅
Seriously tho! It has an actual story which is nice, but the way leveling works is sooo… idk unique? I get what they were going for but in reality it gets kind of frustrating. I had to bump that double xp modifier on to help with some of the grind 😅
This series along with legend of Zelda probably saved my life thru middle/high school. When I was alone (which is a lot) I had these games. They mean so much to me
The first one I never played at all was 11 - I was extremely not into the idea of an MMO. (I didn’t FINISH most of them, but I played all 10 until then at least a couple of hours)
And then after 11 I just never got into the mainline series again. Only played (and hated) 15 since.
Oh yeah forgot about X-2 ! And 7's Rebirth/Remake played them too, love them!
This series along with legend of Zelda probably saved my life thru middle/high school. When I was alone (which is a lot) I had these games. They mean so much to me
And then after 11 I just never got into the mainline series again. Only played (and hated) 15 since.