Like if I can’t stream, do certain things, etc then I just can’t that day/week/whatever. Just gotta let it go, I was stressing myself out way too much by putting goals on everything and trying to achieve everything at the same time. It’s fine to have goals but don’t stress yourself too much.
Like if I just can’t get it done then I just can’t I’m not gonna put all this pressure on myself I’m not a full time content creator so if numbers go down for a bit while I get it together then it is what it is!
My thoughts exactly :) It's not a race and I'm not trying to keep up with others. This thought process for me makes my content more meaningful. I'm making the content I want at my own pace.
Exactly!! It’s also ok to enjoy different hobbies like I’ll go to video games or anime/manga for awhile and kinda leave tcg for a few weeks. I realized in “being a content creator” I took it way too seriously and it wasn’t even fun anymore
It's totally valid to take breathers.