The ALP are a thorough disappointment. Actively encouraging the climate crisis but also encouraging Netanyahu to turn Palestine to rubble (after Israel- our ‘wonderful’ ally -spent the last 7 decades bombing the country back to the Stone Age). I’m going back to the Greens. Adam Bandt has integrity.
Extensions are different to brand new . Nobody wants coal or gas There was no energy plan in 2022 and an energy system in crisis .Now 220 new renewables .Does anybody have an alternative detailed plan to stop all gas and coal now and get renewables from Darwin to Albany, toAS, Cooktown and Hobart?
It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. 400+ people died of the heatwave in Vic in 2009. Biggest disaster in Oz, overshadowed by big bush fires which followed soon after. Bushfire grabbed the news, not the heat deaths of people. Are we that property focussed?