I feel like my taste is a bit predictable but my faves are just all the big tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear. Titus Andronicus is also fun in a goofy blood and guts way but also definitely a more enjoyable watch than read for the same reason.
I've only read Romeo and Juliet and the ones that I was thinking of were nearly the same! Just A Midsummer Night's Dream instead of Othello. Thanks for the recommendations!
Hope you enjoy! I was a massive Shakespeare nerd for most of high school and college. If you want any recommendations for weird or interesting film adaptions of stuff let me know.
Como filólogo inglés este es mi momento jaja. Much ado es grscioisisma, midsummer night Es muy asequible y divertida, y comedy of errors Es como el proto slapstick.
My reading list rn looks like this btw: Simone Weil's The Iliad, or The Poem of Force, Homer's The Odyssey, Marx's Capital Volume 1 and then maybe Shakespeare.
Oh and if you're going through the classics, I had a surprising amount of fun with Paradise Lost once I got past Milton's grumpy stoicism. There are some relatively cheap editions with Doré's beautiful illustrations.
I have that one on my list yeah! I'm going all over the place reading classic (both fiction and philosophy/theory) stuff, finished reading the Bible late last year.
Hamlet, Lear, and Othello together with Macbeth is probably the more common starter set though if you already read Romeo & Juliet.