Me very occasionally... This was the first time I heard, or even heard of, Hiromi Uehara. She is quite good at this. #jazz #music #flippineckshesgood
Playing DJ, I earlier posted a link to a fav song called Stupidity Tries by Elliot Smith if that counts. I plan to post at least one song a day if that helps.
What do you think about the new Caribou? It's not earth-shattering or anything imo, but I still expected it to generate more discussion than I've seen.
That’s a great album. I was listening to Marc Ribot on Rain Dogs the other day and thinking how funny it was to have an album on which Keith Richards is only the third- or fourth-best guitarist.
Since we’re bringing it up R&B is criminally underrated. Legit never hear anybody talk about Lloyd, Tamia, Jagged Edge, or similar groups.. they were really the best at it in my opinion
Me, a post or two back #music
But please, no "which is better?" type posts. We all have our own tastes. Mine include classical, jazz, rock. If someone doesn't like what I like, that's fine. It doesn't make them a lesser person, or me a greater one.
From my EP Timeless Nostalgia
Rate my haul
1) Negro Swan
2) Depression Cherry
3) Hive Mind
4) Rise and Fall of Midwest Princess
5) Scaring The Hoes
They are a great Independent record shop in Kingston and host great gigs 👍🏻
Still embargoing news since the catastrophe. So reviving the music collection and posting about it.
But please, no "which is better?" type posts. We all have our own tastes. Mine include classical, jazz, rock. If someone doesn't like what I like, that's fine. It doesn't make them a lesser person, or me a greater one.
(Please I have countless hours worth of talk regarding my love for the bands, I must gush about The Downward Spiral and The Stage/LIBAD)
#Madonna #music