I was interviewed about finding out I had prediabetes when I thought I was super fit, and the story is out today on inews.
I’m hoping my story might help others in a similar situation …. I’ve added screenshots as I think you need to subscribe to read it …
I’m hoping my story might help others in a similar situation …. I’ve added screenshots as I think you need to subscribe to read it …
but generally just cutting down of the high density carbs
Mum was diagnosed pre-diabetic in Feb, but at the time was super busy with 3 challenging foster kids. She's fit & active and eats well, so she's trying to work out how to fend off progressing.
My wife's got T2 and is now on insulin etc and has the sensors.
It's far from fun once it kicks in hard.
Have you been able to return to bicycle riding to any extent?
Anyway, looking forward to welcoming good positive news from you in the future.
(Just clicking the link opened the inews app, which requires a subscription…)
Interesting point raised was
“Something I especially see 40 and 50-somethings fall victim to is using the bathroom scale as their only readout of success,”