I want to respond to every comment that mentions nudism and swinging with "the two are not universally combined. Please refrain from always using them together when describing yourself" but I honestly don't have the 5 hours to spare.
Then our goal should be to promote non-sexual nudism. And even if we're not comfortable posting nudes of ourselves, we can be supportive of those who do. (And by "supportive", I don't mean reposting every other persons' naked pictures. That comes across as voyeuristic.)
But also, we can (try to) respect and support swingers & exhibitionists lifestyles and, without scolding them, encourage them to "proudly" promote their own lifestyles without trying to rationalize them by equating them with or calling them "nudism".
But I didn't get the impression that he was equating nudism & swingers, rather he was lumping the two with his other list of clients.
IMHO, there ARE swingers & exhibitionists that go to nudist venues and abide by the rules though they're not "nudists".