"Want to understand how local and national politics intertwine to shape old-age pension systems?
Curious about how class and party preferences influence the design of pension policies?
Interested in how institutionalized parties leverage local politics to set the national agenda?
Curious about how class and party preferences influence the design of pension policies?
Interested in how institutionalized parties leverage local politics to set the national agenda?
I love this so much.
Some potential parallels with Mexico (e.g. https://www.helpage.org/silo/files/pension-watch-13.pdf although quite out of date paper).
Also, perhaps weaker parallels, with development of non-contributory pensions in China, India and Nigeria
Read the complete paper here: https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/1/article/916344
ungated here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361307830_Laying_Down_the_Principles_How_Local_Socialist_Achievements_Spurred_National_Bourgeoise_Support_for_Public_Pensions