He’s supposedly a religious man so he’s probably praying “God forgive me! How do I make amends so I don’t go to hell along with this orange-face monster?
During such a terrible moment in history, interesting to have an example of ‘not psychopath’ body language. Even if the example illustrates a complete selling out of integrity & cowardice in the face of evil played out in front of you. Glad it was visible. Wish he had done the right thing.
These cabinet members are either ignorant (unaware of how their predecessors fared in 1.0) or extremely arrogant (they're aware but are convinced it will not happen to them).
I mean it can't be the money - at least the up front money. Maybe the back end, book tour, board chairs money is worth it.
I think he’s compromised, like they have dirt on him. Vance is proud of himself. Little Marco isn’t. I believe Vance is purely amoral ambition, but Rubio’s decline is something darker. It’s aged him.
Used to. Made him walk into a trap that was all too obvious.
A trap that already had doomed so many before him.
Yet in his hubris, he like many, thought he could outsmart it.
“Power is intoxicating—it corrupts, blinds, and makes cowards of men. Rubio abandoned his moral compass to follow a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist while selling out to the Russians. Men like him come and go, but history won’t forget. As for Rubio—he’s lost his spine and dignity.”
What political ambition ? Vance will wipe his a## when it comes to get votes from the MAGA crowd. Rubio has lost everything. Maybe Governor of Florida ?
Why is anyone still listening to this bought man? Just ignore him. Every time he does/says the right thing, it's followed up a few days later by propaganda following the trump party line.
It's predictable, boring and no news at all.
Little Marco looks smaller than ever! Whatever dignity he once had, he sold it to the Devil also known as:
The Insurrectionist
The Grifter
The Convicted Felon
The Rapist
The Putin’s Puppet
The Twice Impeached criminal
The Pathological Liar
The Wannabe Dictator
The Racist
The American Hitler
one thing I do sort of like about Rubio is that he's not quite so craven that he can fake it like Vance can. you always get the sense of some level of guilt with Rubio. it's like watching Mark McGwire when he was denying using steroids. You know he was lying, and that he felt bad about it.
Yes! Glad I saw this, it’s what I alluded to in my comment too - I honestly think this body language was as much of a fight as he could put up - due to selfishness and cowardice sure - but at least it shows there’s real human emotion and a it’s a visual foil to the mad actions that unfolded.
My spine is gone thought Sleaze Bucket Rubio.
Foxhole compatriots
1. Three backstabbing whiners
2. One Ukraine Leader
I know who I'd want. Zelensky!
Slava Ukraini
Rubio, suka blyat
I mean it can't be the money - at least the up front money. Maybe the back end, book tour, board chairs money is worth it.
Or both of course.
A trap that already had doomed so many before him.
Yet in his hubris, he like many, thought he could outsmart it.
*Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon characterized by persistent feelings of self-doubt, inadequacy, and fraudulence...*
* and please note that this use of the feminine gender is both appropriate AND intentional
He sures lives up to his name!
It's predictable, boring and no news at all.
History can’t come soon enough.
The Insurrectionist
The Grifter
The Convicted Felon
The Rapist
The Putin’s Puppet
The Twice Impeached criminal
The Pathological Liar
The Wannabe Dictator
The Racist
The American Hitler
Why do so many folks think little marco was ever anything different from the coward he is?
Vance is going to get jealous.
Foxhole compatriots
1. Three backstabbing whiners
2. One Ukraine Leader
I know who I'd want. Zelensky!
Slava Ukraini
Rubio, suka blyat