Could be a lot of things. Creative and joyful ways of existing which benefit others and are not premised on exploiting other people’s labour or pursuing economic growth, broadly speaking
The second item on the Agenda of Venture Socialists™ should be how to prevent Venture Capitalists putting a lock on whatever is created by Venture Socialists™ and then charging entry fee/licence fee/ subcription etc..
(The first item on the agenda is, of course, the split).
I’ve been reflecting on various dimensions of this over the years with the rubric of ‘the politics of proximity’. It’s a fascinating field/spectrum of thought, including revolutionary surrealists, feminists, farmers, community educators, poets, gentle anarchists, theorists of everyday life …
Could be a lot of things. Creative and joyful ways of existing which benefit others and are not premised on exploiting other people’s labour or pursuing economic growth, broadly speaking.
Thanks. I was trying to get my head around how "Venture Capitalist" could morph into Venture Socialist. I associate V. Capitalists with the extremely wealthy, getting involved w/ start-ups well before the IPO phase. There likely is social value here, but also desire for great profits.
We've certainly got to move away from the current neoliberal model which is about making money for small numbers of people at all costs.
(The first item on the agenda is, of course, the split).