Na verdade esse foi o voto do Fux, mas ele foi o único a votar assim. Os outros 4 votaram para a multa valer pra qualquer um que use vpn pra usar o Tweeter e é isso q está valendo por enquanto
unfortunadly, still illegal, but some few brazilians still got twitter access without vpn thanks to bad quality internet, well, for now, since they're trying to ban all of it
It's as many comments said, VPNs aren't illegal, it's only if used for twt that will cause issues. The best course of action for a VPN would be for each individual Brazilian to lock their account, there have been mass reports of hacked accounts for hate speech in saif accounts
Also I want to say thanks, Noah, your art is one of the many I enjoy following and I'm sure many agree. I remember you saying you'd make an account here, and you are a sweetheart for that.
"Can you get in trouble for using a VPN? You can't get in legal trouble for using a VPN unless you use one unlawfully in a country that restricts or bans VPNs. Countries like China, Russia, and Egypt have various levels of VPN restriction...." But what you used them for maybe so! 👇
actually they’re still illegal! in fact even if it’s not, it’s still better to not use it since elon been acting like an asshole and xandao just want to put limits on the platform like some extreme conservative and even n4zi speech
Its still illegal, thing is twitter is blocked on brazil bc it desrespects brazil's law, so using a vpn is going against the blocking order... Right now most of the ppl using vpn are nazis, so its not really good to stay there.
It is complicated, I agree. I'd rather be safe than sorry, though. It's really up to each person to weigh the pros and cons. I, myself, don't miss Twitter enough to risk it
Not really. Twitter was put down because of that, yes, but anyone using VPN to have access despite Alexandre's order is liable to pay the fine, since the court order that says Twitter is no longer to be used here
They did consider dropping it for people who weren't using VPN to keep on spreading hate speech, but they ended up determining it'd still be applied to anyone who used it at all. It's debatable if they're actually gonna do it, but that's the official statement
beyond vpns some people like me can still use it cause our internet provider is smaller in comparison to the most known ones but is sooo shitty... it doesn't load SHIT
It's not illegal but if you use it to access twitter you have to pay a fine of 50000 reais or 8861 dollars, most of the people who are using VPN are nazis so most of us just abandoned twitter for now
acho q o xandão ta juntando vaquinha pra comprar o twitter do elon 🤪