The only sensible response to J.D. Vance‘s speech in Munich would be to shut down X in Europe. Because that seems to be the thing he was sent to fight, with threats and insults. He just said what Elon had told him to. If X loses Europe, it‘s decline to obsolescence gets steeper.
I'd actually suggest to implemet rigid rules for social media and licenses. Wanna run an SM service? Comply to the rules and apply for a revokable license.
Suspend SM in the meantime as its causing severe harm.
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I agree with your notion, but I don’t see a quick and clean path for follwing through with it.
Swift and strict response. No ifs, no whens, no whys. No talk, no tears. The fun part is over.
Defenders of democracy are still not brave enough.
I think, Musk is trying to turn it into a US version of WeChat and make it the mandatory app to contact US government and handle financial transactions with it.
Expect big fines early.
Soviel zum Thema "free speech" in den USA:
But otherwise, also double invest into defense.
#eXit #Europe