If by "comics" you mean "monthly superhero floppies," I guess it might be meaningful to talk about some sort of "decline," but I haven't read that stuff in decades, so I have no idea.
If by "comics" you mean "comics" in the broad sense of the word, it's been some of the best times for the art form.
Taming wild incoherent expressionistic Image comics into a streamlined, more polite decompressed mide retained all the bad tendencies of 1993 (and deleted the iconoclastic good aspects) to a degree that they could be passionlessly replicated for decades, destroying any potential reform.
yeah, as many have said, 'post Stormwatch 37, the only balm to heal the deep tear within holistic comicbooking was hours of starting at the highwater books website and taking talmudic style notes to decipher its implied meaning"
I just came back to reading new issues after a 16 year hiatus and I am shocked that I love it even more now than then. Its such an incredible weird comic.
If by "comics" you mean "comics" in the broad sense of the word, it's been some of the best times for the art form.
I just came back to reading new issues after a 16 year hiatus and I am shocked that I love it even more now than then. Its such an incredible weird comic.