From SW we have Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, R2-D2 and C3-PO. From DV we have Darth Vader himself, Doctor Aphra, Triple-Zero and Beetee.
Soon enough, the characters start to interact with each other. Triple-Zero fakes being C3-PO and Doctor Aphra and her droids capture Luke, sending R2 running.
Soon enough, the characters start to interact with each other. Triple-Zero fakes being C3-PO and Doctor Aphra and her droids capture Luke, sending R2 running.
As it stands, Leia is with Threepio, Vader is closeby, and Luke is with Han, Chewie and R2.
Han and Chewie have their hands full, but Luke splits to face Vader. Bad move farm boy, baaaaaad move.
Also, Vader has found Leia.
Also, Threepio gets his arms shot off by the other droids.
Han and Chewie are struggling against the bounty hunter, but don't worry because here comes R2 with the assist!!! The assist is drugging Chewie to make him stronger. Just go with it, this R2 we're talking about, so it's in character.