we also have to figure out what we can do to boost what they are doing.
what will best support their efforts?
do marches help or are our efforts better put elsewhere?
I don't know the answer.
what will best support their efforts?
do marches help or are our efforts better put elsewhere?
I don't know the answer.
Earlier today I was thinking that right now, white ppl probably need to put our bodies on the line a little more (show up to events IRL, protest if that's what we think is helpful) and be places where black & brown ppl might be targeted.
I'm also
Some are lost causes but I think there are many who can be pulled over to our side.
Cicero is right that we must not be lured into Russian or gop organized protests.
Fuck them
Make sure to verify organizer is legit
And FWIW (not to you Cicero), Russia organized a shitload of fake BLM protests and counter protests to draw ppl in & have them fight.
I have a deep feeling in my gut that DT wants protests so he can call for Martial Law.
I would really be nervous in a state like Texas where the GOP are an organized criminal enterprise & itching to beat people & otherwise harm them.
I donate to @democracydocket.com, e.g., which brings some of these vital lawsuits.
If everyone does what they can, it will all get done.
he didn't have a top security clearance as a gov't contractor b/c of some of his conflicts of interest & alliances w/ Russia/China.
We have to hold on & win so this fucker can be eventually held to account.
Like you said, it's limited, but putting sand in the gears (& to some degree, gov't employees can do this too) is good. It slows down the shock and awe & maybe buys us time to plan how we can slow this down.
I see these massive protests in Europe and Israel and elsewhere and think, "I wish we could do that" but I'm not sure if that is effective right now (maybe closer to elections)? I don't know. The small protests (i think one was at Treasury & the other at US AID) over the weekend & this
I think no protests is not good. But if we can have varied, steady actions by different ppl, maybe that is better (for now)
Protests can be used to organize & recruit
Right now, I'm trying to study up on what Putin/Russia did in the UK (Carole Cadwalladr's great pod) and catch up on some reading on background of different people or history that are relevant now... looking for something I can do that is helpful.
I've read that mass protest does alarm authoritarians. But what works in geographically smaller countries may take more time to pull off here. So let's do what we can as we can.
The protests at the airports were effective.
I think protests closer to elections are scarier to those running for re-election
People should do what they think is right & where they want to put their time.
I used to show up for protests "to be a body" so there