Not that i want to understand their thought processes more in depth, but what??? I'm sure they'll find some way to blame tariffs on the Biden admin eventually.
Propaganda won. Stupidity won. Hate won. Vile perpetrators of heinous acts won. 40 years in the making, we saw it and couldn’t stop it. Can we come back from the abyss, again?
Did any sentient voter think they would be consistent? Of course their minions are backslapping themselves in their delusion that Trump was able to turn the economy around in one week. Their next trip to the grocery store might wake them up. Or not 🙃
They are going to run the USA for the next 4 years, it won't be so Nice in 4 years, it is known that republican are the worst party to run the USA. :-)))
lol. I’ve been hearing rumors from my Trump-loving cousins that they are being told that we will be rioting in the streets soon, and to get their supplies ready in case the internet goes down and there’s rioting in the streets. 🤣🤣😆
Please tell me stickermule made them 😂
Got this from Reddit. You know they’re out there and we will find them!
Just a shitty version
Amazing isn’t!!’