The fact that they put money over morals to bow down to a dictator to save their jobs. I think they’re going to find out they’re still on his enemies list. I hope they get what they deserve.
I am definitely centre left. I also understand, you can not win a battle without engaging your "enemy." 2 things can, and will Happen. You only need to win 1 argument out of 100 to make some change. Two, you may learn something yourself. Consensus, agreement, and democracy are not one-sided affairs.
Funny, I just watched Maddow. SHE doesn’t seem to need to go to Del Boca Vista and “reset” in order to report on all the exceedingly horrible shit Klompus is doing and plans on doing…she just reports it…
Lawrence either! They will never cave to Trump. Lawrence being Irish will take his grudge with Trump to his death! In the meantime he will rail against him every chance he gets! 😂😂😂
I think the anchors each highlight something different unless it’s breaking news. Like Lawrence over the summer did the in-depth of the Trump trial & also the Supreme Court. Maddow concentrated on fascism. Ayman normally does an in depth on it as did Medhi (he has his own platform now.)
I will never ever forget Zbigniew Brzezinski telling @joescarborough on @morningjoe in Dec 2008 in a discussion on the Middle East, "You know? You have stunningly superficial knowledge. It's almost embarrassing listening to you." I did a fist pump then!
“Ya don’t have to go home but ya do gotta leave my home!”
Was what my high school girlfriends mom used to yell down to the basement at precisely 10:00 pm
Given all the horrible,cruel, profane and insulting things Trump said about Joe and Mika, it is fair to say they have less honor, self-respect and personal pride than Ted Cruz.
Such hypocrites Joe and Mika.
Disappointed that Maddow rarely talks about the Palestinian plight, Israeli plight and jerk Netanyahu.
Was what my high school girlfriends mom used to yell down to the basement at precisely 10:00 pm
* This is directed at Scarborough