I will not be watching the Trump inauguration. These past few years have been ‘Trump ugly’ and now to make it worse Elon Musk has dug himself a spot in Trump’s plans. Too much anxiety for me.
With his inauguration we begin the unending resistance, the daily throwing of sand into his gears!!! Our goal is that soon he regrets the very day he decided to run again!!!
His inauguration will be one of the saddest days in American history. I won’t be watching it, I hope a majority of Americans won’t be watching either. I hope we have a heavy downpour of rain in DC and mud fills the shoes of his supporters who attend in person!
Oh sister, that image you posted is but a meme in an echo chamber of miscreants. When you wake up on J20 the Donald will be president and you will be represented at such. I suggest getting a grip on the reality before you!💙
They should refuse to wear him in until he signs those documents and then the next day introduce articles of impeachment for everything that he did during his transition.
well, you proved it to the magats once but they are slow on the uptake. after this "term" there will be no doubt
your tariffs & mass deportations will not only cause inflation to spike but it will cause massive food shortages
The group that voted yes to maniac, honestly think he will do something for them. Segment voted for racism, the other half thinking he will fix the economy. The circus he picked screams volumes.
Seriously, why even have a swear in ceremony. He’s going 2 place his hand on the BIBLE & swear 2 protect R country from domestic & foreign threats?? It’s a mockery! He’s the #1 domestic threat & his bud Putin is #1 foreign threat. Bible means nothing 2 him, so oath will mean nothing! 😡
A sex assaulter chooses accused sex assaulters.
A grifter choosers grifters.
An election denier chooses election deniers.
A cheater chooses cheaters.
A reality star chooses reality stars.
A “billionaire” chooses billionaires.
This is ok with his cult- in fact, they want this.
I want to be sympathetic to the following groups, but I can’t. Retired on SS, Medicare and Medicaid recipients, young men who may be drafted, anyone with a preexisting condition, women needing help with pregnancy, et al. If you voted Trump, you’re doomed,
So today in my woodworking field I told a large client today that in Feb there is likely to be tariffs coming for Birch from China in the neighborhood of 60 % increase in prices. He said ,," what I cannot afford that. ". I walked out of his shop and there were Trump flags everywhere. Dumb shit
It better be a tyrant Bible, you know the fake one with the “constitution” and bill of rights, and the Pledge of Allegiance or I believe he will explode into a big ball of orange flames. He also should avoid churches for the same reason.
When 45 takes his oath of office (on 45’s bible made in China) or (maybe the one 45 held up at St. John’s Episcopal church on 6/2020) I don’t plan on being on US soil that day. What a paradox!
General Milley warned US. Didn’t we learn in school about true patriots…’ Be happy or miserable; if yet it be in thy power to choose: fear tyranny, detest slavery, arm thyself, live free, or die!” In1775, Patrick Henry closed his address during the 2nd Virginia Con“Give me liberty or give me death!
Science is merely the observation of facts.
There is a way out of this.
never spoken …
your tariffs & mass deportations will not only cause inflation to spike but it will cause massive food shortages
He gets to look down his nose at everyone
A grifter choosers grifters.
An election denier chooses election deniers.
A cheater chooses cheaters.
A reality star chooses reality stars.
A “billionaire” chooses billionaires.
This is ok with his cult- in fact, they want this.