“Whiteness” is a creation to oppress & colonize.
Trump & MAGA embody it — and now we are a white supremacist country.
But we can resist, and fight — we are on the right side of history.
Trump & MAGA embody it — and now we are a white supremacist country.
But we can resist, and fight — we are on the right side of history.
Blanket statements on "whiteness" doesn't help.
It's why so many left the party.
Harris losing was about a lot more than her race.
So is MAGA.
Dems can't fix what they refuse to try to understand.
Strength in numbers 💪🏻
*also applies to the 2nd amendment
We should endeavor at every juncture to eliminate the ill-defined (and somewhat nonsensical) concepts of "white" and "whiteness."
They are simultaneously overly-broad and overly-narrow.
The earliest European arrivals to the "New World" very quickly aligned themselves with certain (more "compatible") tribes against others.
Skipping a lot of steps from here to there.
But "Republicans" vs "Democrats" is a smoke screen
Plutocrats rule both parties
MAGA trumpets 'whiteness" to feed the delusions and misplaced resentments poor whites
"anti-woke" "whiteness" won't save them