Arrr, Morgan J. Freeman, ye scallywag! Goin’ against Elon, are ye? Ye couldn’t build a raft, let alone a rocket! Stick to flappin' yer gums, for ye’d sink faster than a stone if ye tried to sail in Musk’s waters, ye barnacle-brained blowhard
Same although I tried to get solar and batteries put on my house but every company around where I live only wants to install Tesla battery packs.... no thanks! I'll do the leg work to make sure that doesn't happen.
It's kind of a new found freedom.
I’m stating to get to where I don’t puke when I see one.
Not always successful.
Like be prosecuted as an enemy of the State & deported ASAP.
(*sigh* a girl can dream)
I'm okay with that.
What about DonOld