Perhaps his best lie yet. Saying Ukraine must surrender some of its country to Putin to achieve peace. As if we would surrender Texas to Mexico without a fight?
Zelensky is never giving in to Putin's terms and condition for as long as NATO (minus Trump of course) has his back! He probably wrote off Trump by now.
I have republitard friends that tell me that’s not what he said and I show them the facts and they say well he’s not the president yet. There’s no arguing with them. Like being an addict, they need to hit rock bottom and realize it for themselves before healing can begin.
As he said today- No guarantees because things change.
Who would have thought that Biden would have lit the World War III fuse once Trump was elected. Patience! No wonder Trump went to Paris to meet with Zelensky.
January 20th is the day that Putin takes over the United States. Anyone who believed he was going to end what Putin was doing in Ukraine is a moron. I feel terrible for Ukraine and Zelenskyy
Trump and Putin will wait till he is officially potus, then it will end. They agreed on this as a contingency plane when Trump was in office before. Trump gets recognition and Putin gets more influence over the USA. They are both ervil humans
It’s all Bullshit! Always has been…
"Sure you can use small nukes."
Who would have thought that Biden would have lit the World War III fuse once Trump was elected. Patience! No wonder Trump went to Paris to meet with Zelensky.