ICE needs to raid Mar-a-Lago and the orange man’s “country clubs. Then proceeded to the trump tower. Then MAGA line up and fill those jobs. Mowing , string trimming and washing dishes and laundry. Are you in MTG?
Germany in the 1930s/40s solved this by instituting forced labour for the unemployed (Reichsarbeitsdienst), who did physical work for a minimum wage, half of which was kept for food and shelter. I guess other autocrats did the same, and I do not think your new administration would shy away from it.
American conservatives will have a "nice" surprise when basic foods start to be scarce on the supermarkets due to the migrant workers avoiding to go to work and get raided by the ICE goons! It's already happening in Newark among the Luso-American fishing community...! Soon they will understand...
God people, immigrants are doctors and engineers too. A bunch start out here without any kind of legal status. They don’t just process our food. And even those aren’t stealing any jobs from dumbasses who voted for Trump.
MAGA should be more than willing to work for that slave wage since they want the ones who "stole their jobs" deported. They would never do that type of work since they see it as beneath them.
These folks are TOUGH in a way magats only WISH they were. They grew up on farms, they're used to this. I'm sure they would enjoy watching the gringos try to last a couple days doing such work. But you know what? They'd only laugh for a little, then pitch in to help. Because they're not ASSHOLES.
In CT in the 60’s teens would sign up to pick tobacco, most lasted not a week. Americans are too out of shape and too egotistical to do many farm jobs.
Let’s drag all of the able bodied career welfare recipients living in the red states that are sucking up all of the federal funds out of their trailers, PUT THEM ON BUSES, and send them to do this work. Until that happens they need to take a seat.
making children do dangerous jobs is literally part of project 2025. and ofc it'll be poor black and brown kids doing it, not maga's kids. the right already believes black and brown kids need to be in workhouses to "keep them out of trouble"
I didn’t realize they lowered it everywhere. I thought it was a lot of southern states. I’m from CT and will have to look into that. Thanks for the info!
Bishop Budde has been facing death threats since she asked Trump to show mercy to people fearing for their lives. Now even the President is painting her as the enemy and we can’t abandon her. Let’s show Bishop Budde she has massive support all around the world!
Our stupid Brexit has left us with massive holes in our labour market. The US will shortly feel the same. Agricultural workers, porters, orderlies, waiters, kitchen staff, cleaners, valets, etc. The rich may even have to wipe their own asses.
My family and many others picked berries, cherries etc.. to add to our little incomes. It’s hot hard, dirty work, the maggots are in no shape to do it. And, it’s BENEATH them. Big talk, no action.
Yeah, good luck with that.
They much prefer to sit in their yard full of cars that don't run and get their welfare and SSDI.
Their SNAP and WIC payments, and any other government handout they can get their oil and grease stains hands on.
Always remember, red states take more than the put in.
LMMFAO... as if that's gonna happen. I have talked to people who did this. They brought their OWN gallon of water every day. What the supervisor trucks had was never enough. They wore gloves. Snakes. Spiders. And I dunno about you, but I don't see any Porta-Potties. /1
You know what I want to do some day, soooooooo badly? Be standing in front of some produce in the grocery, and see a hat-wearing obvious magat approach. I will ignore it and muse out loud... "Gee. These strawberries look amazing!! Bet they're fertilized with migrant pee..."
Okay MAGA u knew how to pickHIM.nowgetpicking.Maybe if u do it quickly the cost of food will comedown.Don’t see it happening withyour pick,he’s to busy play golf,pissing offour allies with deportation flights or threatening them with tariffs or taking over!Great way to make allies&influence leaders!
They did during the Biden administration. They don't want to accept them in the form that Donald Trump the felon is sending them. They deserve decency and trump is indecent.
Of course he’s indecent back in 2018 Felon was ripping children away from their parents. What kind of person would authorize that. I remember it well when protesting in front of Homeland Security with maybe 15 protesters. Can’t understand why more people weren’t out protesting droves!
Wouldn't last one minute in the fields, on the roofs, in the ditches, in the housekeeping department, at the dishwasher but will complain when none of these jobs are getting done.
Mark my words.
At the end of the day this whole thing, including the nomination and election of Trump, is a restoration of the established order:
Traditional white advantage, influence and power.
They much prefer to sit in their yard full of cars that don't run and get their welfare and SSDI.
Their SNAP and WIC payments, and any other government handout they can get their oil and grease stains hands on.
Always remember, red states take more than the put in.
You can't picture them as mechanics, business owners,
You racist fuck!
Oh wait. They expect women to do it.