Doesn't he go by Yitler now or something?
Heard his latest "wife" just left him.
I'm sure he's fine, blaming everyone else, and still full of himself.
Why? Because he is not
running amok @ the mouth?
If one believed in reicarnation & the belief that some souls havent graduated this earthly rung of hell yet
I bet he was a nazi guard & now he is just a freak on rich & still manhandles his prisoners
That is not a task for me… I’d take him bungie jumping. Sure hope someone remembers to for off the anchor end to something more solid than an empty trash can
Yes...from the million mile observation deck, I can confirm he is still unwell, still a control freak, still full of hate and still a N*Zi to his core....
The guy does the same shit
every year and people fall for his
shit .always pity him , always call
him a “genius” , he’s just expressing
himself !!
Naaaa fuck that .its been more
then twice that he’s done this shit .
He should be locked up up on
some asylum already .
Doesn't he go by Yitler now or something?
Heard his latest "wife" just left him.
I'm sure he's fine, blaming everyone else, and still full of himself.
I understand why people lose their shit and take things into their own hands.
running amok @ the mouth?
If one believed in reicarnation & the belief that some souls havent graduated this earthly rung of hell yet
I bet he was a nazi guard & now he is just a freak on rich & still manhandles his prisoners
… Why WUD we?…
They exhibit no humanitarianism; only hunger for Money and Power.
Better to spend your psychiatric dollars on the nutters with the nuclear codes.
He will never recover.