Morgan that’s fucked up. White women are dirt unless they bow down and kiss ass. Pretty sure black men could vote, own property , have a bank account before women.
Team mbhatter… posted under my response the meaning of whiteness!!!! Out of context it seems racist but I ask each to read the term in this studies definition. I agree with his thought but not his method of communication. If we look for the truth we do find common ground.
Morgan I been with you on a lot but you might want to rethink this. Linda do the same a the racist we hate. It’s cool but do some soul searching on this.
Mbhatter.. I have not read yet and this could be very accurate from a scholastic point of view. That’s because everyone knows the basis of the statement. But to make a statement that can be misunderstood because no background is not responsible and damaging. So again rethink the post and educate
Thing is, there is no such thing as "white" or "black" or "brown" or any other human "color". Neat racial categories as most people define them are not based in reality.
Well, yes. We're all part of the human race. But certain white people in this country have always had different ideas of what it is to be human, and now, they're doing what they can to get their way.
Yes, but my point is that the whole idea of "whiteness" or "blackness" is a fallacy. Genetics is not nearly that simple, obviously. People who differentiate themselves from others based on phenotypical "race" are extremely ignorant.
And, btw, why did there have to be an Emancipation Proclamation and, later, a Civil Rights movement and a Civil Rights Act? It may be a "fallacy" for us, but it is the "reality" for ignorant people, and it has been carefully taught throughout history.
It may be a fallacy, but that's what has been and is driving attitudes. There is and always has been racism. People see color as different and less deserving of rights and privilege. I vehemently disagree, but that's the way I see it.
No, no it’s not. I am white; I’m not a disease. Racism is a disease. I am ashamed of you for not knowing the difference. Your mother would be ashamed of you too.
I am white. My parents god rest their souls taught me from a young age there other races and colors and they are no different than we are. Other than the fact there are people so full of hate they need a group to despise. And never to be influenced by them. They are the issue. Not all of us.
Seems like there is a screw loose with a lot of white dudes. Most serial killers are white dudes. I swear there is a gene in many that makes them want to conquer, torture, pillage, and kill.
It's the wealth and power. If you have wealth and power over someone - especially a group of people - you then have to actively remind yourself that you have become a vehicle for injustice. The arrogant and the lazy do not put in that work.
There are plenty of poor racists, but the poor racists see themselves as the same class as the rich racists because this society (run by rich racists) still grants them unjust power over others.
Could you expand on that? I want to understand, but it feels like an attack. I identify as a human being. I feel like I treat everyone with respect regardless of their color or anything else, as long as they're decent to others. I'm not perfect, but I'm trying. Please help me understand.
Wtf!!!! That sentiment is for maga, nazis, kkk, and all the other shitbag bigots.
We cannot turn our hearts and minds toward that kind of divisive and perverted thinking. We don't choose our skin color.
Waiting on an apology. This is low for you. It’s actually racism and I’m disappointed in you. I thought you were a voice of reason. I guess I was wrong.
Tribalism is an instinct which became vestigial/useless when we invented cities.
Sports and fashion industries use it for profit.
Politicians and religions exploit it for POWER.
Thank you.
But we're not going to let them, are we.
We cannot turn our hearts and minds toward that kind of divisive and perverted thinking. We don't choose our skin color.
Sports and fashion industries use it for profit.
Politicians and religions exploit it for POWER.
Empathy cures it.
Pass it on.