Who in America -- specifically maga -- can afford to carry around Trump's $250 bills?
It's like these Trump loyalists are finding anything to help them slither up his ass!
It's like these Trump loyalists are finding anything to help them slither up his ass!
Democrats. Humans with a functional brain. Congress. It’s time to Stahp MAGA.
We shouldn't even have to change the saying.
Given what he is dishing out to Americans, even to those who voted for him, wouldn't his hand be more suitable?
Who knew that billionaire foreign subscribers could get in with just a coverage charge
(…pssst the sooner the better)
PS: Think he thought out that far? Oops….
Thank you!
'Cuz I'm on board with that.
Basically it’s toilet paper.
we got Benjamin's. Will this be a trumpian?
Just a thought.
You've almost no time left.
Proposed GOP budget :
Debt ceiling +$4T
Tax cuts skewed to rich : $4.5T
Spending cuts : $1.5T after increase of $325B in Defense/Border
Other cuts in programs including Medicare & Medicaid : $2T
Mortgage Interest Deduct gone?
Does not include tariffs.
anything, to spread the word! 😛
Just a thought.
Greetings from Bavaria 🫶