Bien sur ! Le seul moyen de faire ployer ces oligarques sans éthique c’est de taper au portefeuille … nous sommes des milliards , ils ne sont que quelques centaines.
A titre personnel , je boycotte toutes les enseignes n’ayant pas quitté la Russie … il va falloir aller plus loin !
Just drove through the mall area of my town in a blue state to see a normal amount of cars in the parking lots. 😏 at least I know I can feel better that the big cooperations are getting almost none of my money and not just today.
This is a “Charlie Brown” approach. It isn’t big enough. People going to work is going to drive the economy. March 14 needs to be “National Stay Home from Work Day”… just stay home. Shut down the economy. No protests, stay home.
Up north, we've been doing that since the end of November. Since our money is all that matters to the billionaires, it's time for a little tough love from around the world.
A titre personnel , je boycotte toutes les enseignes n’ayant pas quitté la Russie … il va falloir aller plus loin !
We are now manipulating the economy.
Is it for sale ?
I’d buy a few…..