Theatre's need to start re-staging their musical American Idiot. It's brilliant and still so relevant and inspiring! I saw it during the first Trump hellscape and would highly recommend it!
I keep saying that Green Day and Billie Joe Armstrong are becoming that Democratic Leaders that we've all been looking for! #StandWithZelensky #SlavaUkraine #Resist #BOYCOTT #Protest #MARCH
I’ve always hated him from the 80’s but I mean culture war cool, hats - t shirts. 60’s we hate the man kinda cool. It’s needs to be accepted knowledge that everyone hates him. Like we hate root canal’s, we hate anal probes.
Yeah I never understood why the fuck people wanted to watch him on the Apprentice acting like the dick we all thought he was. Why didn't the masses pick up on that? He played himself, a dick, so why did they think he wasn't?
It will - most red state residents lack the intellect to understand that they were hoodwinked but as the lose their livelihood, their savings are devalued, and they can’t afford the lifestyle they had they will be pissed
Yesterday I stared down a weirdo wearing a trump hat daring him to come at me. Today my girls and I flipped off a nut job walking around in a MAGA hat. It’s not cool and the hate is deserved. I’m all done with the high road.
The progenitors of (sorry to say it) "spunk rock". Love them since "Dookie". No surprise here since they've always been quite vocal about their politics.
Way to go Billie Joe!! Stand up and use your platform to denounce this traitorous regime that is running rough shod over our constitution and destroying lives. We need more celebrities and people with a platform to speak out and speak against this plutocratic autocracy.
I want to know where all the big name liberal celebrities & their money , platforms & voices are? Florida is 2nd home to so many of them & they all rely on LGBT/women/artists to do their jobs.
Next time someone tries to come at you with some bullshit like “people are liberal when they’re young, but become conservative as they get older and/or become rich, you should definitely include green day as one of your examples why that is completely fucking wrong.
TOTALLY agree! Jason Isbell is pretty vocal, but I've been very disappointed in a lot of artists and bands who seem not to want to alienate any of their audience. I understand the instinct but it's a time for choosing.
Much like Idiocracy.
I'd like to see them show up for some rallies if they are not already doing that.
We need some celebrities to show up and support our rallies and demonstrations. We need the media attention.
Can I say, pretty please?
It's not that hard.
Even better, show up and PLAY MUSIC at a rally.
One heck of a big, strong, brave man we elected for a second time.
More of today’s artists need to show us their fire.